Who dat?

[beginning communication from Supervillain “Serpentine” HQ – Speech to Text initiated]

Welcome henchmen and henchwomen, Feezy C here writing to you from Serpentine HQ with an important message… I’ve begun mentally approaching a few concepts for the beginning of my newly appointed musical reign. Live instruments, sewn together with electronic brutality and Djing, with me giving you a vocal earful from the very bowels of my dark machinations. I plan on doing most, if not all of the music myself, as well as the recording, mastering, and production work by my own two blood-stained hands…

So y’all know, wikkid ole Feezy is going to transmit his consciousness through advanced digital encoding and layered beneath the cover of music. Once my consciousness is digitally encrypted onto my music and distributed freely online, I will be immortal… this is only phase one of my diabolical plan… I will let my hench folk spread my consciousness, telling others, wearing merchandise, reppin’ the villainous. Like a virus, I will infect the ears, minds, and hearts of the listeners… awakening in them an understanding of how deep the underground and the rabbit hole… go… 

Why am I telling you all of this? Consider it a warning of things to come… 

Some would consider a person a fool for unveiling their plans ahead of time, but there isn’t a thing you can do to stop me. I am beyond any capacity to care if anyone is afraid or has apprehensions about my work, boo fuckin’ hoo, Karen!

I will release music videos with subliminal messages in them, telling people to get along, to stop hating one another, and to cease hoarding money and being greedy little scumbags. I will have messages and meanings hidden in the videos so that people can find them and further awaken their minds while traveling deeper downward. Now mind you, each song, and each video may be very different from the next, but will still be a Feezy C original, ya dig? 

Phase two, what will that look like and what will the goal be at that stage of the game? Merchandise, spreading the message I have come to deliver through my audible apocalypse… this is where my henchmen and henchwomen come into play. Stickering, tagging, word of mouth, spreading the good word, wearing my message on my merch, speaking my message to others, bringing others into our flock of villainy. Never doubt these roots we will be laying down, the tree they bear will have many branches and give rise to many fruits… This will all take place during phase two, and I like to call this “the awakening,” from which, we will see the awakening work its way into the worlds of both the seen and unseen. 

The dark armies of the underworld will gather en masse, codified by the knowledge of that which this phase brings… and then onto phase mother fukkin’ three!

Phase three is integral to everything… it involves hench folk as much as it does me… which is why I love and cherish my bench folk… they are everything to phase three… and phase three involves us taking over everything… going global… you know what I mean, my lil’ deviants. We either take over things and change them for the betterment of all humanity, for all time; or we enact contingency plan Omega and destroy the planet and all life…

It all starts with the music…