What can be said about something born of horrible psychological malady and raised up in a lifetime of hood life? A curse of knowing, too much, tinkering too much, and going too far, bearing forth a new Dr. Frankenstein’s monster… A beezt known only as Feezy C!

Lord Cook took his knowledge of mental health and created a separate individual, a personality by which all of his anger, rage, disturbing thoughts, and horrific knowledge could come out constructively… and not be something that bothers him in his normal, day-to-day self. Creating this supervillain enables Lord Cook to maintain a sense of peace in his daily life, while also expressing that deep, dark, wicked shit within him…

In his own words (Lord Fred)…

“I am and am not Feezy C, in that he’s inside of me now, a part of me, dormant like a sleeping monster. It’s like I split my mind into two, creating my own split personality, and imparting all of the negative parts of me into him while taking them out of me. I utilized my skills in hypnosis, hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, applied psychology, and other elements. I combined them with guided meditations over several weeks… and the dark and dirty bastard child of nightmares was born!”

In his own words (Feezy C)…

“Sit the fuck back and strap your ass in, it’s going to be a bumpy mother fuckin’ ride boys and girls. Welcome one and all to my wonderful world of blood, violence, depravity, and mayhem and please don’t scream to mother fucking loud, ole’ Feezy has a god-awful headache and I’m liable to put a shank in your melon. Now, listen the fuck up and listen good, I am not here to play nice with the lot lice, I keep it underground; I’m here for henchmen and women, I’m here for Juggalos and Juggalettes. Plan A is to take over the world, and if that doesn’t work… you’ll figure out my plan B soon enough…”

This is the official document A-1, released 11/8/2023