Article XV – Amendments

By order of the king, Lord Frederick William Cook, in accordance with the micronation of Newfredland, we hereby establish the rules for amending these articles and or adding new articles. As wherein we consider our founding documents “living,” it is important that we establish lawful guidelines and procedures for amending and adding articles. These rules are;

Amending articles:

The king and queen can produce changes to amendments, which will be announced to all citizenry, who will have 30 days to vote yay or nay on said change. Once thirty days have passed, votes will be counted and the change will either be permanent or removed. 

Adding articles:

The king and queen can produce new amendments, which will be announced to all citizenry, who will have 30 days to vote yay or nay on said new amendment. Once thirty days have passed, votes will be counted and the new amendment will either be permanent or removed. Adding new articles means keeping this last and changing its article number